I came home today and
Started looking through boxes of photographs.
I was looking for the photo of you and me
At the United Methodist children's educator event way back when.
The theme was "Peace" and you and I told the story of
Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes.
In my mind, the picture shows me, in white face,
Portraying Sadako.
I'm sitting in an old-fashioned wheel chair,
Wearing a hospital gown and surrounded by paper cranes.
You are standing in the background, narrating the story.
I see you in so many of my memories. ...
I picture you smiling as I pop into your office --
The only one in the buillding with a rocking chair.
I see you standing at the microphone at annual conference,
The only clergy-person-not-from-Edgehill
Speaking out for lgbtq folks.
I picture you sharing your stories
And teaching me how to tell my stories.
I see us preaching at Edgehill on Pentecost Sunday
Both of us wearing albs, weaving the story in two voices.
And then I found it ...
Not the picture I had in my mind ...
But a hidden treasure from the year
I was welcomed into full-time church ministry.
There I am. There you are.
Your eyes lighting up
As I introduce you to my Grandpa Tom,
The man I'd been telling you about in my stories.
Thank you, Michael.
I picture you and Grandpa Tom sitting on a porch in heaven,
The two of you swapping stories.
You are surrounded by
All the saints who went before.
You are a friend.
You are a blessing.
You are love.
Reverend Michael Williams passed away suddenly on March 19, 2018. We hold all who loved him in prayers and light.