I am reminding myself of the practices that we'll need to survive (and even thrive?) in the wilderness we have entered. Above, you see the SoulCollage® card that I pulled from my deck today. Lately, this one has come forward to speak to me quite often. It is called "The Unknown" or "Seeing Through a Glass Darkly." It is how I feel today, not knowing what is going to happen.
I have noticed that my "caveman brain" is quite active. When we are under stress, it's common for this survival part of our brain to get triggered. This old brain is trying to protect us -- to decide whether to "flee, fight, freeze or fawn" when danger is perceived. The chaos of the Presidential transition is triggering this stress response and my instincts are telling me that there is a sabertooth tiger watching me.
The practice for me today is breathing. Whether it is through breath prayers, music, meditation, or other contemplative practices, I need to get my brain back in this very moment. In this moment, there are no sabertooth tigers. And, this moment, as I write these words, I am loved and safe and whole.
Breathe in to the count of four. Breathe out to the count of eight. Repeat.
What are the practices you are using today to keep you grounded? Keep breathing and remember: You are beloved. And you are not alone.
P.S. Consider using my Lenten book this year: Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God During Lent.