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All the Wonders

A Gift for the New Year


I'm looking with hope (and perhaps a little bit of anxiety) into what faces us in the coming year. I want to share with you a new music video of my song, "All Shalll Be Well."

I wrote this song towards the end of the pandemic. Over these last four years, the music plays in my mind and my heart when I'm not sure about the future for myself, my loved ones, or this world. The song is based on the words of Julian of Norwich who wrote her Revelations of Divine Love during the period of the Black Death in the Middle Ages in England. Julian wrote these words:

You shall not be overcome, was said sharply and mightily, for sureness and comfort against all tribulations that may come. He did not say: you shall not be troubled, he did not say you shall not struggle, he did not say you shall not be diseased; but he did say: you shall not be overcome. … And all shall be well.

This music is licensed for congregational use with CCLI (Song #7201357) and One License (Song #200313). Purchase a downloadable score of "Alll Shall Be Well."

Take good care of yourself in the coming days and trust that, indeed, all shall be well.

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Jan 02

Beautiful Beth...Keep on writing and singing... that was very comforting

Jan 02
Replying to

Thank you, dear friend. Happy new year

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