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All the Wonders

Join Me for the New Hybrid Academy


St. Augustine writes, “You have made us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.”  In these times of the 24/7 news cycle, the relentless news of disasters and crises, I find myself so very tired. I am finding that the Academy for Spiritual Formation community has become a sort of "church" for me, bringing me grounding, succor, and rest. The Academy experience has been both life-giving and life-changing for me. 

Will you consider joining me in a new Academy experience? Spirituality in Practice is a completely new format, different from the Two Year Academy that you may know.  This is an experiment with hybrid format – three 5-day sessions in person and three shorter sessions online over 18 months – with folks like you in mind, folks with busy lives and family commitments. Less travel, less cost, and more focus on integrating spirituality into everyday life. I’m so excited about this new offering and I would so love to journey with you on this adventure.

Spirituality in Practice kicks off on September 6, 2024 with an in-person week in Chicago at The University of St. Mary of the Lake. I'll be serving as worship leader for the event and I'm joined by an amazing team: Jennifer Goto (Retreat Leader), Amy Oden (Theologian), Pat Longstroth (Covenant Groups) and Alka Lyall (Hospitality). Our confirmed faculty include Ray Buckley, Shively Smith, Juan Carlos Huertas, Luther Smith, and Frank Rogers.

Please prayerfully explore the website for Spirituality in Practice, including the downloadable brochure. Like almost everything worthwhile, the Academy will require a sacrifice of your time, talent, and treasure, but the rewards will indeed be everlasting. Know that I will be praying for you as you discern God’s will for you regarding this exciting opportunity.  

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