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All the Wonders


Jack's Babysitting Job


Jack's friend, Tracy, called early this week to say that she had a job for Jack. Tracy needed help with Sammy the maltipoo puppy who was coming over for a few days. She needed someone (like Jack) -- to keep Sammy entertained. (Awwww, Jack ... we remember when you were just a tiny puppy, and now you've got your first job.)

So Jack's been at Tracy's helping with Sammy. When we went to pick him up today, we observed his work for a while. (He's very good at this babysitting stuff.)

Sammy is the cutest pup ever. Here he is chewing on a stick and looking adorable.

Sammy the maltipoo

Jack's got good babysitting tricks. One is a game called, "Chase Me. I've Got the Ball." Sometimes Sammy chases Jack.

playing ball

And sometimes, Jack chases Sammy.

Either way, it works great.

playing ball

Another game in Jack's toolkit is "Chase Me. I've Got the Stick." Here's the early part of the game where both pups are getting ahold of the stick.


And here goes Sammy with the stick!

Sammy with the stick

Sammy's still got the stick! Go, Jack, go!!

Chasing Sammy

This is Said. He lives with Tracy all the time. And he's Very Ready for Jack and Sammy to go home. He needs just a little peace and quiet for a change.


Jack said he's got the greatest job ever!!

1. Chasing and being chased by Sammy.

2. Running. Eating. Taking naps.

3. And then Running. Eating. Taking Naps. Barking. Playing. ...

Tonight, back at home, Jack's asleep. He's tired out. Babysitting is hard, hard work.


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