We are in the west in Donegal, the birthplace of St. Columcille (Columba is what he is called in Scotland).
Land of sea and sky and ocean. Land of sheep and bogs. We greet you.
Today we take a pilgrimage to standing stones which were here before the saint and used in Christian ministry.
The pilgrimage is traditionally taken at midnight on the night before Columcille's feast day. And walked barefoot.
Let me bless almighty God, whose power extends over sea and land, Whose angels watch over all. Let me study sacred books to calm my soul; I pray for peace, kneeling at heaven's gates. Let me do my daily work, gathering seaweed, catching fish, giving food to the poor. Let me say my daily prayers, sometimes chanting, sometimes quiet, always thanking God. Delightful it is to live on a peaceful isle, in a quiet cell, serving the King of kings. - Prayer attributed to Columcille