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All the Wonders


Merry Christmas

Here's a bit of Scottie Christmas for you and yours ....


A Christmas Poem

Twas the night before Christmas

when all through the house

There was barking and snuffling

because of a mouse.

All I Want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is a treat to eat,

a treat to eat, just a treat to eat.

If I could only have just a treat to eat,

then I could wish you Merry Christmas.

The Friendly Beasts

Jesus our brother, kind and good

Was humbly born in a stable rude

And the friendly beasts around Him stood,

Jesus our brother, kind and good.

"I," said the Scottie, black and warm,

I snuggled their feet on Christmas morn;

They won't hurt my baby who's just born."

"I," said the Scottie, black and warm.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! With Love from Jack and Spec

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