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All the Wonders


Jack and the Windy Day


Jack does not like windy days. There are strange noises. Leaves start chasing you down the street for no good reason. And Very Scary Things show up where they are not supposed to be. Like Big Scary Boxes. And Branches. And Trash Containers on Their Sides.

When Jack starts out on his walks, he surveys the street to be sure that everything is ok. If something is out of place, he goes into his "I'm Alert" pose -- like in the photo above.

On this particular morning, there was a box in the middle of the street. Jack said he wasn't going down the street because there was a Big Scary Something Where It Shouldn't Be.  I moved the box to the curb, and Jack took some time to ponder whether it was safe to go by.

We eventually made it by the box and went on, doing our business. But then we had to come back the same way. It Was Still There!! What to do? It's time to approach the Big Scary Box ... in A Very Wary Manner.

Jack stared at the box for a while and it seemed to be tame enough.

He slowly approached it from the side.

Right after this picture was taken, the box must have jumped or something, because Jack shot back about three feet and refused to approach it again.

Brave pup. Our Jack. He's king of the street. (Even if he gets a little jumpy on a windy day.)

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